Klein 168474 Chicago Grip Curved-Jaw Grip for EHS Cable
- $624.84
Klein Tools 168474 Chicago Grip - Curved-Jaw Grip for EHS Cable Features:
- When pulling EHS (extra-high-strength) galvanized-steel cable, the galvanizing has a tendency to coat the jaws of any grip, causing the cable to slip
- To reduce the possibility of slippage and damage to the cable, the jaws of this grip are milled on a curve with a double "V" contour.
Klein Tools 168474 Chicago Grip - Curved-Jaw Grip for EHS Cable Specifications:
- Approx. Weight Each: 6.30 lbs
- Jaw Length: 5"
- Maximum Cable: .55"
- Maximum Safe Load - lbs: 8000 lbs
- Maximum Safe Load - kg: 3636 kg
- Minimum Cable: .218"