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30 DEG. PAPER TAPE FRAMING NAILS Framing nails with paper tape collation Designed to fit all 30 to 3..
18 GAUGE BRAD NAILS - ARROW 18 gauge collated brad nails For use in PT18G pneumatic nailer 1000 brad..
GALVANIZED COATED STAPLES Chisel point For use with S32SX, T31-3SX5035 & T28-5 T40SX-CT, SX150K-1 an..
"L" SHAPED FLOORING NAIL Two-inch L-shaped flooring cleat Covers 200 sq ft per 1,000 nails Fits Bos..
23 GAUGE PIN NAILS 23 gauge galvanized pin nails For use in Arrow PT23G pin nailer Pins are collated..
15 GA. ANGLED FINISH NAILS Chisel point 15 ga.FN style angled finish nails Use in Bostitch N59FN, N6..
18 GAUGE BRAD NAILS - STANLEY-BOSTITCH 18 ga. brad nails for use in Bostitch tools: BTFP12233, Sb-18..
16 GAUGE FLASH GALVANIZED HEAVY WIRE STAPLES S4 series 16ga 1/2" crown staple Flash galvanized finis..
15-DEGREE COIL ROOFING NAILS Diamond point style w/7,200 nails per box Smooth shank galvanized Fits ..