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20% Off Select 14 oz Yeti Mugs
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WIREGARD SCREW ON CONNECTORS Color coded, tight square wire spring connectors Tough thermoplastic sh..
BATTERY CLAMPS Battery charging clips Multi-purpose Designed specifically for battery - and testing ..
PUSHGARD PUSH-IN CONNECTORS Suitable for wide range of solid wire - combinations (22-12 AWG) No t..
PLASTIC INSULATED STAPLES Secures UP & other type NM cable - up to 3-conductor #10 Smooth saddles pr..
METAL CABLE STAPLES 1-1/4" long graphite metallic steel cable staple Burr free, sharper tips so the ..
ASSORTED WIREGARD WIRE CONNECTORS Card of 9 assorted WireGard twist-on connectors 2 Gray, 2 Orange, ..
ALLIGATOR CLIPS Multi-purpose clips for home-auto & marine uses #22-14 AWG SIZE/QTY:1-1/4"/4 per Cd ..
INSULATED SPADE TERMINALS Quick & reliable crimp-type wire connections Vinyl insulated barrel Col..