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DUAL ROLL-OFF BUCKET Durable black polypropylene bucket resists - warping and is great for larger pr..
LARGE CAPACITY 18" ROLLER TRAY Heavy-duty plastic roller tray Accommodates rollers up to 18" Large c..
1 QUART METAL PAINT TRAY 1-quart metal paint roller tray Features ladder lock grips Works ..
3-PC. PAINT N PITCH ROLLER KIT Disposable Contains: white 9x3/8" roller cover Economy 9" roller fram..
TEAR STRIP GASKETED LIDSecure & tamper-resistantProvides protection of contentsEasily removed withou..
2-QUART DEEP WELL PAINT TRAY Heavy-duty plastic paint tray Use with 7" or 9" rollers Deep ..
PLASTIC PAIL WITH HANDLESolvent resistantPerfect for cleaning brushesIdeal for mixing paint with oth..
PELICAN HAND-HELD PAIL LINER Rigid, form fittin liner designed to work - perfectly with the Pelican ..
PRO DEEPWELL XTREME ROLLER TRAY Multi-purpose tray Solvent resistant Durable, long-lasting - use rep..
1 GAL. METAL BUCKET GRID 4-sided bucket grid Made of heavy-duty steel Use for buckets and ..
Tags: Paint Roller Trays,