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KODAWOOL ROLLER COVER Fabric is epoxy-bonded to triple-thick core Phenolic core resists all industri..
9" LAMBSKIN ROLLER COVER Deluxe handcrafted lambskin shearling cover A single piece of merino wool, ..
JUMBO-KOTER RED FEATHER(TM) COVER Red shed-resistant velour roller cover Rolls out a feather smooth ..
WHIZZFLOCK ROLLER COVER Flocked ultra-low density painting sponge Excellent w/enamels, varni..
WOVEN PRO ROLLER COVER Finest bled of woven fabrics Lint free finish on smooth surfaces Woven fabric..
PYLAM(TM) SNYTHETIC LAMBSKIN COVER High density polyester fabric cover - for increased capacity Use ..
DRIPLESS ROLLER COVERS Synthetic, lint-free woven nap covers High performance-shed resistant-driples..
MICROFIBER ROLLER COVER Synthetic, shed-resistant microfiber cover Microfiber fabric provides extrem..
WOVEN MINI ROLLER Shed resistant fabric 2 pack SIZE:4"..
Tags: Paint & Paint Sundries,